Deze zijn vastgesteld en worden gehandhaafd door de moderatoren van
Be nice to each other. No shitposting on this server.
Trolls will not be tolerated. Please act in a civilized manner.
No porn, explicit or violent media, racism, sexism, fascism, homophobia, or any other form of abusive behavior, harassment or hate speech.
No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
No doxxing of users. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
No content illegal in Belgium or, by extension, EU law.
No intentional spreading of fake news, false information or misleading content.
This includes attempts to impersonate Mastodon staff.
No spam or advertising.
Politics and religion is tolerated but discouraged. Please use a Content Warning if you do post them.
Whatever your political or religious view may be is your concern but we'd appreciate it if you wouldn't use this platform to plaster it in other people's faces.
Please don't bring discussions from other Social Media channels over to Mastodon.
If you want to discuss a topic, please do it on the originating side.
If you're a commercial or government entity or you represent one, please consider hosting your own Mastodon instance.
This instance is set up and paid for by volunteers in order to give users access to the Fediverse.
It's not intended to be used as a commercial or governmental platform.
This is a private Mastodon instance, access to this server is a privilege and not a right.
The right to access and/or use this server may be revoked at any given time.
Interpretation of these rules is up to the server's admin discretion and is not open for discussion.
They may change without prior notice.